What you didn’t know about the new marijuana laws in California

Following the passage of California’s Medical Cannabis Regulation and Safety Act (MCRSA), California attorney generals have continued to answer questions regarding what is provided through them and what is not allowed. The recent passage of Proposition 64 has not done…

Here is why Trump Should Keep His Promise to Support the Marijuana Industry in the States

The marijuana industry has continued to grow enormously across the United States and most importantly, it has become a source of livelihood for many people. During the campaigns for the recently concluded elections in 2016, President-elect Donald Trump expressed his…

Decriminalization of Weed: A Suitable Approach to end Police Crackdowns on Weed in Europe

Europe has experienced a positive trend in reforms concerning the uses of marijuana among its people. However in recent times, such efforts have been challenged in some nations in the region. Today, marijuana is apparently in bad shape. One Montel…