cannabis topicals

Top 4 Cannabis Topicals to Try This Summer

Cannabis topicals come in all different styles and forms. It could be confusing and even a little overwhelming to any topical newcomers. Luckily for you, there is an amazing resource available to you to find the best one. This is the weed delivery online service provided Pot Valet. Here are the top cannabis topicals that are available on an online marijuana dispensary that will end your summer right.

1. CBD Topical – Soothing Serum

CBD Topical
This cannabis serum is perfect for life’s everyday aches. The secret is in the special formula. This cannabis topical is made with 60g of pure and amazing CBD. CBD is the chemical compound that is found in marijuana that is used to treat pain. Patients love this topical because it takes a very small amount applied directly to the area to heal the pain. Best of all, you can start to see the effects in 45 minutes which is faster than marijuana edibles.

2. CBD Marijuana Lip Balm

CBD Marijuana Lip Balm
Ever wanted to carry your cannabis around secretly in your pocket or purse? Well, now you can! This CBD marijuana lip balm is one of the best topical treatments available by this online marijuana dispensary. Just because it is used on your lips doesn’t mean that that is its the only purpose. This topical treatment has been known to help with fatigue and inflammation. It will also help to heal chapped and cracked lips.

3. CBD Cream – Hemp Topical

CBD Cream – Hemp Topical
If you’re looking for cannabis topical that works more like a lotion, then this hemp cream is perfect for you. While this cream isn’t as potent as other topicals, it still does the job. This is because it contains 50mg of high-quality CBD oil for maximum pain relief. All it takes is high-quality of this cream to bring you almost instant soothing relief. You will also love how this topical comes in a typical cream bottle so it is discrete enough to carry around with you.

4. Topical CBD Relief Patch – Cannabidiol

Topical CBD Relief Patch
Pain relief patches are nothing new. For the past decade doctors have been recommending pain patches to their patients. For those who are looking for a safe alternative to these opioid patches, consider using a cannabis patch. These doctor approved patches are applied directly to sore areas on your body to deliver continuous relief. This is the perfect alternative for patients who suffer from chronic pain like arthritis. The best part about these patches is that you won’t experience a typical high feeling that you would if you smoke marijuana. This means that you can wear these patches all day and continue to live a productive life.

Final Thoughts
Using an online cannabis dispensary in Santa Monica is great for more than just bud. Cannabis topicals are highly potent products that are rich in CBD. This is perfect for patients who don’t want to feel high all day long but still can’t function with pain. With so many different ways to use cannabis topical, there is no reason why you can’t enjoy your summer.

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